Slip Online

"The site that powers slip has a thing called ‘following’ which is basically where you get updated with posts etc on your homepage.

Wherever possible we’d like to give the people who follow us some kudos and the one person who we know does ceramics from the people who follow us is Nathan Prouty.

Nathan is currently doing a two month residency at Fireworks Studio in Cardiff but when he’s back in America he’s an artist in residence at The Clay Studio in Philadelphia. He recently gave talk in Alex’s local area (Cardiff) and unfortunately we both missed it as Alex was helping out his friend Rebecca Appleby (who we should have a feature on soon) at Origin and Eleanor was busy in Leeds.

Nathan makes forms with nice tight angles and a subtle colour palette. He uses mixed media to create surface effects such as lacquer, flocking and paint as well as using glazes on white earthenware clay which is something ceramic elitists may frown upon but something that here at slip we have no problem with as it makes ceramics more accessible and less specialist. It’s always healthy to diversify and in the past our own Alexander Archer-Todde has used spray paint to achieve surface finishes.

His work can be seen in the very new “500 Ceramic Sculptures” book, a recent release from Lark Books which is a fine thing to happen after only graduating three years ago from New York State College of Ceramics in Alfred, New York. An envious place to study as they have an extremely large collection at the nearby Schein-Joseph International Museum of Ceramics with 8,000 glass and ceramic items. Nothing though compared to the collection at the V&A (which we also will be reviewing soon as we attended the opening event).

So this post was to let you know about Nathan Prouty and to say thanks to him for following us! You can go and check his website but if you want to stay browsing slip then here’s an image from that very site.

If you’re a ceramicist who makes as a profession or a ceramics student who has been reading slip and would like to be featured then"

November 1st, 2009